Category: Uncategorized

Letter from Sher

Dear Kenyans: We urge every Kenyan even those who do not believe in the system and the leadership to go to the polls and vote […]

Letter from Azeem

 Dear Kenyans:   The Kenyan Constitution requires a general election on the second Tuesday in August in every fifth year. There have been public discussions to move […]

Letter from Abiha

Dear People of Kenya, I am a Pakistani who understands and shares your wretched fate of corruption and oppressed past. I must start on a […]

Letter from Aaron

Dear Kenyans: It would be safe to say that Kenya has turned a corner as far as politics is concerned when our Supreme court decided […]

Letter from Rebecca

Dear Kenyans: First of all I would say the August 2017 presidential election was better than previous ones especially the 2013 election where lot of […]

Letter from Emmanuel

Dear Kenyans: The Vice President house was attacked prior to the death Msando. The Vice president, lucky him, was not around with his family. Ordinary […]

Letter from Sanyu

Dear Kenya: I don’t think the external observers played a valuable role in the Kenyan election. They clearly did not consider the whole picture and […]

Letter from Raymond

Dear Kenyans: The Declaration of Conscience   Hello everybody! Thank you so much. Thank you. I want to thank our Nairobi Governor too, Mike Sonko, […]

Letter from Rebecca

Dear Kenyans: In my opinion, the Kenyan elections were neither valid nor credible. Even having received the label of “free and fair” by various election […]

Letter from Ganga

Dear Kenyans: I would like to discuss how Kenya people must go forward and your future. Kenya has a total of 43 tribes and a […]