Letter from Omega

Dear Kenya:

We have seen the Chair of the Commonwealth Observer Group, former President of Ghana John Mahama come out in support of the electoral commission by stating that the Kenyan elections across all six levels of government have been “credible”, fair and inclusive.  On the same side you have the European Union, African Union and US who have also commended the electrical commission also of the how well the elections went. As a Kenyan citizen it is very hard to argue with these results and statements as they seem credible, I mean it’s the United States and European Union, who can argue?

The reported results indicated that incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta was re-elected with 54% of the votes. But then again, his main opponent Raila Odinga refused to accept the results and contested in the Supreme Court. As the main opposition leader and by law he has the right to do so.

The opposition leader Odinga has come out with his own proceedings from the elections which put him ahead and claimed that the commissions IT system have been hacked and that Kenya had seen the worst voter theft in its history. The Chair of the Electoral Commission responded in saying that there had been an attempt to hack the Electoral Commission but it failed. Am sure now this is the point you start to question whether the results produced by the electrical commission are credible and actually fair.

What casts further doubts on the credibility of the election results is the permission granted by the Supreme Court to allow two agents of both the ruling parties and Odinga’s party to audit the IEBC results. This decision was made because of the evidence that was brought forward. Now I am sure a lot of questions are popping into people’s heads in Kenya, wondering what on earth happened with the elections.  Where the elections actually free and fair? Was the election systems tampered with, who was the legitimate winner of the 2017 elections?

The sad part from all this turmoil is the claim made by Odinga’s opposition party indicates that if they lose the elections they will secede from Kenya and form their own country. As if the Kenyan people are not already hurt from the past election violence, displacements, and death of thousands of people.  Dividing the Kenyan people will only worsen the countries already worsening poverty, corruption and tribalism.

The Kenyan people need their politicians to put the people first in everything they do. The people matter most in this situation and they are the most effected. As the African proverb says, “When elephants fight, the grass gets hurt”. I immensely appeal to the politicians to please put their differences aside and come together to resolve this dispute peacefully.

Now to the Kenyan people, we have been though worse times.  We went through one of the worst  drought in the history of this nation have come out on top, fighting to continue building this nation. We went through terrorist attacks, we lost hundreds of our loved ones and still managed to hold hands and rebuild this nation.

We have an immense responsibility in providing for refugees and not only for refugees but also for ourselves, we have the challenge in eradicating poverty as we have the largest urban slam in Africa in Kibera outside Nairobi with almost 1 million people. This is why we as Kenyans need to exercise patience in these difficult times.

There is so much to be hopeful of in this nation of ours. We have a growing trade and business market. We have one of the largest safaris in Africa and astounding beauty, the “Big 5” animals, wonderful artistry, boarders Lake Victoria, and has mountain Kenya. Our education sector is growing; we have well recognized universities and beautiful cities like Nairobi.

We have opened our arms as a safe area for refugees from Sudan and Somalia and in fact host the biggest refugee camp in the world with almost 250,000 people. We are a loving and caring nation. This is why we cannot let violence, tribalism, and corruption get the better of us. The future for Kenya is as bright as ever and we should be excited of what the future holds.

I again appeal to all Kenyans to exercise patience as the political situation is being resolved and I call on all political leaders to show restraint in this predicament situation.


Omega, a Proud Kenyan