Dr. Snowy Joyce Khoza
Executive Chairman, Bigen Africa
Former Group Group CEO, Bigen Africa
Professor Dr. Alexander Klibanov
Novartis Professor, Chemistry and Bioengineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Sherry M. Knowles, Esq.
Knowles Intellectual Property Strategies, LLC
Professor Dr. Robert Langer
David H. Koch Institute Professor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Human Rights Activist, Atlanta, Georgia
Dr. Vivian Berlin
Director of Business Development, Life Sciences
Office of Technology Transfer
Harvard University
Behavior Change and UX Expert
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Representative from Philips Research
Professor Stephen Sammut
Co-Founder and Vice President, Academic Programs and University Partnerships,
One University Network
Senior Fellow, Health Care Management and Lecturer, Entrepreneurship
Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania
McLean Sibanda
Executive Investments and Concessions
Dr. Mactar Silla
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
MS Consulting (pan-African Label TV and Radio)
Maaike van Velzen
Head of IP Portfolio Management
Philips Intellectual Property & Standards
Koninklijke Philips N.V.