The Malmar Knowles Family Foundation and The Kectil Program are excited to announce that we have launched Kectil Center for Youth Excellence Zambia. The center will serve as a grassroots approach to establishing Kectil footprint in Zambia, with an overall goal to keep the flame burning through identifying and nurturing highly talented youth who will serve the country as entrepreneurs and leaders.
The Kectil Program is fully aware that African youth population is increasing at a rapid pace which has caused unemployment rates to go even higher. African continent universities are graduating 11 million people every year but the continent is only generating 3.7 million people per annum leaving 7.3 million young people unemployed.
Kectil Centre for Youth Excellence Zambia is focusing on entrepreneurship, innovation and leadership programs. This program aims to train and equip youths with soft skills that are needed to set-up their businesses so that they can live a decent life and contribute to the economic growth of Zambia.
Ms. Sherry Knowles, the Founder and Executive Director of the Kectil Program, has commissioned pilot centers in Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia. Zambia has now trailblazed and inaugurated The Kectil Center for Youth Excellence-Zambia chapter; it was officially launched on 11th September 2021 in Lusaka, Zambia.
With the launch of the center, the Country Director, Mr. Rodrick Mutale, is optimistic that this program will help the Zambian youth learn entrepreneurial and leadership skills, network with other talented youth, and most importantly build productive relationships with experienced entrepreneurs and experts from different fields.